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Experience biblically-based teaching, educational activities, weekly field trips, swimming, games, music, crafts, and camper-chosen electives at our 8-Week Summer Day Camp.

You'll receive competitive prices and more for your money! Runs June 16th - August 8th. Early & After Care available.

Now accepting registrations for children 4 years old thru 6th grade.

Camp Mercyville

Where Kids Meet Jesus
Welcome to Camp Mercyville! We are so excited to get to know your family and help you with your summer camp needs! At Camp Mercyville we believe that each child was uniquely created by God and He has a plan for each of their lives. We desire to help each child know Jesus and grow into the wonderful person they are meant to be. 
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Our History

Camp Mercyville was founded in 2010 as a ministry of GraceWay Bible Church. Our group was small, but diverse from the start and has grown in numbers every year. We are please to contine to offer quality child care to children in elementary and middle school. We hope to continue this ministry for many more years. 

Our Purpose

Camp Mercyville exists to assist families in our commuity by providing a safe, fun and godly environment for children during the summer. We strive to point all the campers toward Jesus and help them grow in their relationship with Him. 
Our Supporting Church
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